Campus Field Staff with Cru

Nathan grew up in Indianapolis, IN hearing stories about missionaries, and the gospel spreading around the world. In college he began considering that God could use him on the missions field. He began praying about going into full time ministry, and in 2015 he joined staff with Cru (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ). Nathan is passionate about the great commission, and sharing the gospel with anyone who doesn’t know Jesus yet. Nathan and his family moved to New York to start movements of college students in Queens and Long Island who want to grow in their relationships with Christ, and share Christ with their friends. Nathan has served with Cru at Michigan State, in the Middle East, and many other places around the United States and the world. Nathan has a Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering Technology from Purdue University and lives with his wife, Liana, and two children, Gabe and Selah and his dog named Harper.